Library Spaces

Please follow the general guidelines below to use the Library spaces/rooms:

  1. Open space seats and study rooms are on a first-come, first-served basis. Please take your personal belongings with you when you need to leave for more than 30 minutes.
  2. Do not use personal belongings to occupy seats. The left items will be cleaned up by library staff and we will not be responsible for any loss.
  3. When using functional rooms or places with equipment, please send an email to to make a reservation, then go to the 1st floor service desk to exchange your ID card for a temporary key card after the reservation is approved. Each reservation is limited to 3 hours with additional 3 hours renewable. Course reservations will be given priority.
  4. Please keep quiet in open space, use team/seminar rooms for group discussions.
  5. Telephone booths on the 3rd and 4th floors are available for phone calls.
  6. If you need to move around furniture in a particular space, please return it to its original position when you leave.
  7. Please keep the environment clean and don’t litter.
  8. No eating on the 3rd floor and 4th floors.
  9. You can check for space availability here, but please note you cannot reserve rooms on this site.
  10. Contact to reserve classrooms.
  11. Follow any additional guidelines for other special spaces listed on this page.

The location and reservation requirements for functional rooms are as follows:

(Please send a reservation email with date and room number to if reservation is required.)

Room Name Room Number How many people can fit in? Note
Poster & 3D Printing Corner 1121 3 Reservation & safety training required.
Lecture Hall 2001 70 Reservation required for classes and events.
Faculty Collaboration Commons 2033-2035 32 Faculty use only.
AR/VR Lab 2101A / Reservation required.
Liu Shuang Film/Music Appreciation Room 2101B 22 Reservation required.
Data & Visualization Workshop 2110 20 Reservation required.
Wind Financial Lab 2125 25 Reservation required for classes and events. Check the usage guidelines above for more information.
Tea House/Outdoor Garden 3015 36 Reservation required for classes and events.
Book Publishing & Printing Studio 3109 12 Reservation & safety training required.
Multi-Media Booth (Medium size: No.1 – No.4) 4F 1-3 Reservation required for classes and events. Check the usage guidelines above for more information.
Multi-Media Booth (Large size: No. 5 – No. 6) 4F 4-6 Reservation required for classes and events. Check the usage guidelines above for more information.
Meditation Room 4116   Reservation required for classes and events. Check the usage guidelines above for more information.

Library Lobby

  1. Exhibition can be accepted.
  2. Avoid hosting noisy events.

Liu Shuang Film/Music Appreciation Room (2101B)

  1. Patrons need to exchange their campus card for a temporary key card at the 1st floor service desk to open the door after reservation is approved.
  2. The Library is not responsible for providing any IT supports. Please send a ticket to DKU IT Service Desk at in advance.
  3. Eating in the room is not allowed. Drinks must be in containers with lids to avoid spills.
  4. Avoid moving in extra furniture.
  5. 22 seats available. The number of participants should be limited to 22.

Lecture Hall (2001)

  1. Tea break should be put inside the room.
  2. The Library is not responsible for providing any IT supports. Please send a ticket to DKU IT Service Desk at in advance.
  3. For furniture moving, please contact Campus Services at

Tea House (3015) ​

  1. 36 seats available. The number of participants should be limited to 36.
  2. Avoid hosting noisy events. Microphone equipment is prohibited.
  3. No eating on the 3rd floor unless permissions are granted for catered services or special events in particular spaces/rooms by the Library.
  4. Avoid moving in extra furniture.
  5. The Library is not responsible for providing any IT supports. Please send a ticket to DKU IT Service Desk at in advance.

Meditation Room (4116)

Welcome to the Meditation Room at DKU Library, a tranquil space dedicated to relaxation and inner peace. To ensure a positive and harmonious experience for all patrons, we kindly request your cooperation in adhering to the following guidelines:

  • Respect others’ tranquility.
  • Limit usage to 45 minutes per person.
  • Keep the room clean and tidy.
  • Food is not allowed. Drinks must be in containers with lids.
  • Use provided equipment with care.
  • Mindful activities only.
  • Avoid overcrowding.
  • Clean equipment and put them back to the original place after use.
  • Report issues to library staff promptly. 


Thank you for fostering a serene space for all. Enjoy your meditation and relaxation!

DKU Library Multi-Media Booth Usage Policy

Purpose: The aim of this policy is to guarantee equitable and appropriate access to the library’s media booths, ensuring the equipment’s proper utilization and maintenance.

Media Booth Equipment

Each booth is equipped with:

  • A 55-inch screen
  • A DVD player
  • A Dell laptop

Usage Guidelines

  1. Booking and Availability:
    a. Media booths can be reserved in person at the library’s main desk.
    b. Each patron can book up to a maximum of 2 hours at a time.
    c. If the media booth is unoccupied 15 minutes after the scheduled start time, the reservation may be forfeited.
  2. Equipment and DVD Access:
    a. To use the DVD player and screen, patrons can obtain the necessary controllers from the first-floor front desk.
    b. If patrons wish to play DVDs, they can borrow the disks from the front desk as well.
  3. Priority:
    Group usage might be prioritized over individual patrons, especially during high-demand periods.
  4. Usage Purpose:
    a. The media booth is intended primarily for academic, research, or educational activities.
    b. Loud sounds or disturbances are not permitted. Using headphones is recommended when necessary.
    c. Unauthorized software installation on the laptops is strictly prohibited.
  5. Food and Drink:
    Consuming food or drinks inside the media booths is not allowed.
  6. Maintenance and Care:
    a. Patrons should ensure the media booth is clean and tidy after use.
    b. Any equipment damage or malfunction should be reported to the library staff immediately. Users may be held accountable for any damages during their booking period.
  7. Security:
    Patrons are advised not to leave personal items unattended. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen belongings.
  8. Misuse Consequences:
    Non-compliance with these guidelines may result in temporary or permanent restrictions from accessing the media booths.



We greatly value your feedback and suggestions regarding the media booths and this policy. Please contact with any recommendations or concerns.

Study rooms are on a first-come, first-served basis, and we don’t make reservations. Reservation is required for events and classes in the team rooms.

Study Rooms

FloorRoom NumberHow many people can fit in?

Team Rooms

FloorRoom NumberHow many people can fit in?