02:00 PM
03:30 PM
LIB 2001
Step outside the conventional slide deck with Apple’s Keynote. In this dynamic session, learn how Keynote can elevate your presentations through its unique and advanced effects. Whether you’re presenting complex research or pitching an idea, this workshop will equip you with the skills to design and animate slides that capture your audience’s attention and keep them engaged from start to finish. DKU Library invites Shijie Lu, Apple Certified Trainer, to offer an interactive workshop of Keynote. Participants will create demo projects along with the trainer and have the opportunity to win a small gift provided by Apple.
想学习如何使用 Keynote来创作令人眼前一亮的演示文稿吗?在这个有趣的课程中,你将学习如何通过Keynote独特的高级特效提升演示效果。无论你是要展示复杂的研究成果,还是要推介一个好点子,你都可以在本次课程中学到设计动感幻灯片的技巧,赢取听众的注意力。昆山杜克大学图书馆邀请Apple认证讲师芦士捷到馆提供Keynote的互动教学。参与者将在讲师指导下完成一份作品,并有机会赢取Apple提供的纪念品。
Please note: this workshop is only offered in Chinese with live auto-translated English subtitles. You must bring your own MacBook or iPad (with keyboard) with the following settings:
Event details:
Please register here: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bI8Ck60cPPuUf6S